Spotted Pig Company, incorporating Hazlieburn Gloucestershire Old Spot Pigs, is run by me Lisa McCaig and I live in the Scottish Borders village of West Linton. I have over 25 years of experience in the event planning and catering industry and can provide hog roasts, for any size and type of event.
Why I Pigs
After my dad won 2 Kune Kune weaners in a charity auction I decided that pigs weren’t really that hard to keep! I had also wanted to keep Gloucestershire Old Spots since I was very young and decided these were the pigs for me. And so I started keeping pigs in May 2008 and currently stock 4 sows (Ellen Line, Princess Freda & Dahlia) and a Patrick boar.

Where pigs can be pigs
I am very lucky to have a gorgeous Gloucestershire Old Spot boar. He has proved to be terrific at giving us very large litters, the last two being 15 and 19! They are a great breed full of character and produce fantastic meat. I currently sell half my weaners & keep the rest for meat sales or hog roasts.
And the kids
Keeping pigs is a great way to teach children where meat comes from. The kids follow the pigs through from birth to loading for the abattoir (they have been spared the abattoir run, so far!). They help with feeding, scrubbing, moving and the other messy jobs and enjoy it too.